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Well the feeling is quite hard to describe, but after a couple days with Theory Om the experience was quite amusing without knowing what to expect from not to be rude but a “no name” artist, or well....not as well known to his counter part big brothers such as Does over here on the east hemisphere! He brought us in and showed us a lot of new things. Unchartered Documents signed by JayZ, his wife, along with a bunch of other big name artists we don’t know the name as well, but after meeting and reading all the transcended documents through Theory Om. It was Quite Remarkable. Reading the Compass story in the engineers notebook was by far the best and i guarenteed by time the viewing shows itll be beauituflly packaged and ready to go! It must be hard being one person in their studio with all these spirits! but the time put in...the time put in will be paid off! After getting to us through his brother does successfully, we were brought to a frigid place in which Theory Om does a lot of his paintings, and we were suprised to find this was there Does first Ran into Theory Om over the internet under a different name THRY! which we found out there was another one inwhich they did a collaboration as well to showcase the Mercy Klein 4 documents we remote signed. He showed us to his masters keep and allowed us to speak to his little nephew who is hard to not love. They spoke to us of the tesla touch which is them passing the ball back and forth not only through the phone, but on the hightened consciouss plane they spoke of. When we were up there we were given the opportunity to pass the ball to “LIL MAN” as they call the nephew for his code name. unofrtunatly the camera died so he brought us back home which allowed us to exit through the gift shop like BANKSY...who actually meet the queen before which made the experience that much more fun and amusing for us! HI GUYS love lil man^^ daha thats what im talking about its too funny he can talk to us like this :P prince of england The idea behind the projects are to showcase what its like to step through into other places via wisdom, mercy, and other crests as well! We are very excited to see the compoisition and how it plays out! We were shown the Remote Viewing Documents, which one reading, is amazing the diolect and comprehension of the universe Theory Om and his brothers of the team Have. I dont think many people know about these documents, so to be able to be shown them and remote sign is an honor. Through the experience, brother does passed us a lot of information as well about Theory Om and his Family. We found out his grandfather worked For NASA and played a big part in engineering patents for crosman arms which means a lot of the kids around the united kingdom as well are probably playing with his inventions! Althought the camera battery kept dieing today, it was nice to be able to watch him paint! We sent a suggestion through the thuroughfares to use the Transcendent Crown crest we passed around for speaking to royalty and his role on earth. To see it was remarkable and cant wait to see it via instagram as an encrypted painting in the gallery! He let us put a little bit of are whole family in it which is respectable family to family! We hear it’s a special craft of many artists to allow others step into their frame of mind while they create to give it special essences. Yes he proved to us aswell how he can transmit messages from the natural kingdom into his telephone and vice verse it really is an amazing mechanism and he should always remember to be truly blessed that he is the invenotr of the tree! and to have his big brother connect us to show further around the world, i think it proves furhter his spiritual currentcy!...which not having money he wasnt able to make the iron on transfer, but atleast when he does we can pass it around in rememberance of how he created this all with minimal money...and at that fact to pass it with millionaires and highly ranked people not only in the order, but other clubs, tand organizations, without any worry..thats what its about the spirit and the passing of the “SOCCERBALL” or energy through the thuroughfares of the world is all about!


























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