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Starting off from ATL when  we first created the Wisdom of Victory pattern Uncle Theory Om's little nephew noah aka lil man it was brought to R attention that each monogram is special. the combination of all the crests interacting create a new pattern of laser etched lines into society. As more are created, the imagination of T.H.R.Y.Dream.Create.Inspire. will pour out like the severity crest into all theormyds and environments.

The official wisdom of victory - PERPETUAL CARDINALS monogrammed sewn hoodie from Theory Om the founder/operator of T.H.R.Y.Dream. Create. Inspire. A creation while in ATL with T. By himself. His little nephew noah with jayz watching the two while we watched football!! Love @bustarhymes we each created a segment while there for thanksgiving!! // the W.o.V- perpetual cardinals was created as the AUTO CLOAKER for the team and pharaohism. Uncle Theory Om had me pick out 5 Crests. I chose these ones because when interacting with one another like a BAE BLADE. he spins so fast they enduce a natural high of perpetual motion to heal the world. It also cloaks the team so when walking around through the hour glass R.E.M.ote viewing you don't see Theory om ya see the team mate called in!! It was a wish I said while creating it with uncle Theory Om. We learned the words and energy used during creating encrypts each message photo and creation spiritually. If happiness is a meditate state. Then aren't we meditating every time we're happy? This is the THEORY OM WELCOME TO THE CLOUD FOUNDATION love noah aka LIL MAN Theory Om x Ariana grande. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY


Its funny looking at OJ like a face OJO...the OJ being symbolic for that understanding crest, watchman story and order crest at the top of each document.  love jayz

Growing in the music industry its important to learn how to use others music! Theory om bought the song and has proof but the problem is with social media outlets. i suggested to bring it to the website on his own FOUNDATION and catalouge of R experiences. love jayz x beyonce 

In which now were live growing up in the music industry its important to learn how to use others music! theory om has proof of buying the music to use after all are collaborative work! The problem is the social media outlets and cases in which used, but since we've done so much i even suggested it! Love jayz 

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