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Noah Heart of Facts Series 1


The Heart of facts series was based off my vacation time in Atlanta visiting family. The Concept behind the series was to have my younger nephew pick his favorite crest out of the tree. He just so happened to pick one of the best logos, “WISDOM” the experience of having the universal energy pour into the King’s Chamber of the mind and express the light as refractions of the universe. as the Light pours in, the outer rings of the windom of each and every mind. Almost as if looking through an hour glass as the experience occurs. the 3D view of the crest allows for the state of OBE experiences and understanding of the pyramid representative of a humans mind shining the crown energy into the environment. As one uses their wisdom of the universal drip shining their light, one who looks into the crest gains that wisdom by regressing their view. This is most expressed via remote viewing of the environment and interaction with other beings. For example, if Hermes is using his powers on an individual in the environment to heal them, the one watching the two interacting becomes of a dream catcher. Understanding the merchanics of the universe. feeling the foundation of perpetual motion and infinite. Feeling fulfilled and knowing to continue walking their own path as the light pours in understanding each and every being has their day to come. To follow their dreams and persue what they see for themselves fearless of the environment around them. With this knowledge, i had my nephew create “Heart - of - Facts” Via the wisdom crest. Shining his beauty, his light and perception of understanding of the Sacred Tree of Knowledge. His visual prowless and ability to create imagery with the crest was of unfeasable talent. almost of a “SAVANT” each and every one looking of ancient egyptian scriptures unread and deciphered. We hope you Enjoyed the visual manifestation of his beauty via the foundation! As we proceed on the walk, i’d love to continue this series with not only my family, but kids of all ages within the community. To have them be able to use my nephews series as a guiding light of all the infinite creations they can create with the Wisdom would be of great honor. I think it’s something that doesn’t have to be spoken of much, but by having the kids use their minds to bend the crests is what would give them and their parents the understanding of the infinite creation of every day life.


R Love,

Theory Om & The collaborative Team of

T.H.R.Y. Dream. Create. Inspire.

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