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Beauty- Hidden Fruit - Heart Electromagnetic Crest represents the make up of humans from the foundation of perpetual/still e-motion experiences to personality, physical/mental structure as a whole. Through the system of the Tree, the Beauty collects the energy from the rest of the resonating crests above like a chalice causing the absolute beauty to dump into foundation becoming still in golden motion. Timeless. Walking through life infinitely without time. For without time, What are we really? It becomes foundation. An electromagnetic grid R hearts emit positive energy outward  into the collective consciousness. its a paradox, as the water flows like waterfalls, the beauty moments of this rushing water experiences appear frozen like snowflakes in the shared experiences. The beauty is being able to capture the water flowing. each individual with their own understanding and perception of the world they live in, the shared Golden aura experiences with others in the oblivion white infinite planes are the moments of absolute beauty.  In order for the captured moments to dump out of the cup, one has to accept their experience and perception. If others don't share this belief, then it may not appear the way the user sees it, but caught in their own form of chalice from their walks to enlightenment.  This is why each and every environment is like an egg, fragile, and full of life. It should always be a state of severity for every individual to project their beauty as the god emotion love for the love is what fuels the tree. 

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