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Welcome to beginning of the "build the [G]old" clothing Line provided by T.H.R.Y. Dream. Create. Inspire.

The Command[R] Jacket is a lightweight windbreaker perfect for the early autumn weather. Be the Command[R] of your own trifecta; the mind, body, and soul. lead yourself to a point where the 3 are spinning in sync allowing you to have complete freedom in this plain. Sacrifice an hour each day to better your mind, body, soul, and watch where [G]od takes you.


The "Theory One" Commander Wind Breaker is a 1/1 before the Theory One cease and Desist from Theory Fashion causing to change the name back to T.H.R.Y. For all those fathers out there being the commander for their families guiding them through the light, working long days and late nights to make sure there's food on the table. [III]e tip our hats for you. Stay Dilligint

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