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Artificial Kingdom - AJV


When we look into society and where we are today in technology. We have two parts. the Natural Kingdom, where we as humans walk every day and live out our lifes. The human experience. interaction with one another. Going to work. Eating, walking with mother nature. Then the second part, the Artificial Kingdom. Technology. Computers, cell phones, tablets, and especially TV's. Its a portal of collective consciousness of human minds like the citadel of ricks from rick and morty. We can experience and create projections/objects that wouldn't necessarily be able to be manifested in the natural kingdom. Its a spot we humans can project our mind and share time and space through energy/electricity every breathing second through the natural kingdom like golden aura parties or however your mind projects the scene. its a Post office/message hub, meeting place for minds remotely. Within the klein 4, we may be across the country, or even across the oceans, but within the artificial kingdom we can share moments of the mind and consciousness. Imagine a friend sending a photo of their house, workshop, studio at a certain time. Now imagine projecting yourself standing in that photograph as the fellow individual is sitting in the room from where the photo was taken at that time. its Oval projection through the man made creation we call time. When we disperse this man made creation and tune into natural vibrations of the world, we can OBE ourselves through the Artificial Kingdom as a booster of signal/ window into the natural kingdom to said location within perpetual timing. the World....its big!, but when you look at it from a regressed perspective as collective consciousness and the space we share on mother earth as a whole, its really not so big! Being broke, i love to research areas i'd love to travel and send myself there at specific times of day when there may be high traffic. China and japan are a favorite. I've always imagined myself walking down the street checking out all the street food and culture walking around since a young age of 13. I see it as xbox live party chats, if you want to share a moment with people and friends, you can post a photo while people are watching bringing them into your experience as hologram projections if their minds are to the same caliber and aptitude. There's a lot of different uses for this technique. One being remote dating/healing one another "internet dating on steroids" people are busy. they have jobs, don't have time to go out for a night on the town looking for a lady/man friend. With this though....with this individuals can connect through perpetual motion the foundation crest while sending their energy through the electromagnetic grid of mother nature we share from R heart and Minds. The more sound and graceful the soul, the more welcome and able the experience. Its what i like to call the power of love, "God is Love" so when love is shared, the feminine silver lines and gold masculine lines become perpendicular creating a shared electromagnetic field of emotion triggering the space of the golden aura experiences. A high time of enlightenment and consciousness of beings. Another great example of this technique being used in reality is international work. When we step back and look through time zones, if i want to work with someone across the seas, i have to check their time to make sure its not midnight or 3 in the morning or even too early in the morning! It's a natural breathing essence of humans i believe everyone posses, just not yet "AWAKE" to! I believe it's what was used before cell phones since the Egyptian days to communicate from pharaoh to community and back, but like said earlier, the technology boosts the signal for the human mind like an ahnk since technology itself has an electromagnetic beat to the universe. This is the Artificial Kingdom. I wouldn't say false sense of God, but gives individuals with power on the Internet and all humans to act as God! A space to fuel the imagination and creativity of young minds to the 80 year old that can't travel anymore and stuck to a wheel chair. This is why its severity to be careful with it and not barge in on peoples order/businesses and the people the individual chooses to work with! Lastly, the AJV stands for my initials! i always loved how in geometry AV makes perfect symmetrical echoes outward into the dream scapes/envrionment from the center. The J represents a Shepard hook for collecting or helping guide others to the light. At first glance, it looks like the all seeing i as i stand in the natural kingdom typing into the Artificial Kingdom, but when its reflected over the tight rope of 3d reality, the all seeing eye turns into the Shepard hook walking as a common man throughout the day! this is why i don't like showing my face in my media, i don't believe the face and complexion of another being reflects the interior consciousness and make of another reflection. "MASTERS HANDS KNOW NO FACE"

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