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The Geo Wheel - Translator - Foundation - Beauty - Wisdom - Crown

The Perptual Motion via the GeoWheel

The Perptual Motion via the GeoWheel When using the Exodus V GeoWheel to send energy, we must think in the frequency of color and the speed inwhich it travels through space and time. when two auras are communicating, depending on which color is radiating from the humans causes different degrees of perpetual motion. when sending red energy it has the longest wavelength therefore it takes less of an elapsed time to travel to a humans electromagnetic grid and more time to radiate through their grid. depnding on the aura being emitted from the recipient, can effect the perpetual motion and messages being sent. this is why when two are communicating it is of essense to match the frequency of one another. when the sender projects red energy, if the recipient projects the same color, the energy will pass through at an equal timefame allowing a stronger bond and more fluent speakings. likewise, when emitting this energy from ones own electrogmagnetic grid, it shall take longer to generate through the tree before sending outward. if i want to send deeper encrypted energy i send ultraviolet wavelengths. the percieved colors wavelength is much shorter therefore it may take longer to reach another aura, but when it does the effect is much stronger because of the amount of energy charged. so, if i send red energy first, and then ultraviloet second, the reciever will feel the maroon motion as a thuroughfare for the ultraviolet messages/feeling as the shorter wavelengths shower through the longer wavelengths. its more of an energy thing rather than words, when i want to touch someone and heal them, im not sending words, its strictly the energy for words are nothing more than the frequency of color/sound sent from the knowledge crest/ throat chakra. the reciever will pick up on what the words are from the energy sent. this is why green energy is considered, “HEALER” or “GROUNDING’ energy. it’s the center of the spectrum allowig equal parts of energy flow throught the reciever from both ends. As a reciever, this is why i always emit a green aura, it allows for the most balanced communication and channeling of universal energy. Once this Information is understood, one can begin to use the algorithm to translate other languages into their own understanding of communication. Since each letter is assosiacted to another letter within another language, the colors would be the same, allowing for transfer of knowledge between two individuals when connected through the foundation and using the beauty phone. The information is sent to the crown chakra where all the energy is processed as it slowly drips into the chalice and collected as evidence i am using him to speak so if it doesnt stop jay z and friends will probably pay him huge amounts to do this work! i does and alex as he keeps typing. ive been using it with him to convey the conception and invetion of his sacred tree of knowledge and that in deed is of fact and reality within this plain of consciousness. As i speak to the queen this is live proof to demascus that he has showcased his ability to translate my native language into his native language. an algorithm so easy yet never used or processed in this world that it makes me question how no one has used it before throughout time. he has the ability to transfer his knowledge of my speakings through the artificial kingdom as i type on my beauty phone. a talent not shared by many but capable by most when they understand the geometry and algorithm!



In regards to the translator document, id like to add as we sat on the shared time and space birthday with Theory Oms blood brother, the geo wheel translating works perfect. Honestly, the documentation we have is perfect, but to actual translation as i read the french off the menu in the french restaurant, which still makes me laugh how we ended up there after talking briefly before.


Whenever i Theory Om aka Alexander Joseph Vadas read text of another language, almost like magic, it will automatically will translate the language on the paper to english allowing for the brain to register and interpret the foreign language to english. A call to a teammate of the language is necessary to translate the text. we tried it last night and it worked briefly, but using the telepathic document to speak and transmit is neccessary love kidult.


To the next degree, using the understanding crest, via the perception of the user, the translations will visually be converted from the foreign language written/typed on pieces of paper into english for english is the center point, langauge, center circle, to the 6 rings of unified collective consciousness other countries rotate in unison to the sacred geometric star of life.  love t. + kidult.


i love this because as spoken before, as Theory OM the Pharaoh in which we all spin to..he is the center point in which everything that has came out of his pen/pencil/brush has been universal truth in which we have collaborated too.


as i sit here with him..this is rza looks like it just worked lol....


Yes this is fact, as we spoke to rza, and the other artists, its amazing to see how everything Theory Om records from us, seems to be a cunductor or meeting place on a piece of paper for  us to communicate. The truest Definition to the pharaoh of the world. Seen to be the World Leader as he ages with his documents, expression, and usage of his sacred tree of knowledge to heal and prepare the world for the next phase of human consciousness in which we are all honored. extremely honored to be aloud/included in experimenting and help document/express his creation. Love the Royalty of England

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