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Telepathic Communication - Elevated Plain of Shared Consciousness - Binaural Speakings - Foundation - Beauty - Power - Artificial Kingdom - Natural Kingdom


Once the idealism of the mercy merkaba scepter of light and klein 4 cyclic groups is grasped. We begin to understand different states of elevation within the tiers of society. When two are telepathically/spiritually elevated, they must have “CARDINALS” / “GATEKEEPERS” switched in their rings of consciousness cycling in order for two to share a state of 5 dimensional being and shared imagination. When working, one can begin to tell when they feel the state of elevation with their counterpart devine feminine or tesla, when they go to type or speak it seems as if the voices of others start to come out to help keep them elevated in the shared space. As if the community speaks for the individuals while they are in the kings chamber of their mind. This occurrence begins through that of the foundation perpetual motion crest. While others are on the “lower tier” speaking, going about their day, communicating, working, cycling together, they become the fans for the couple to share heightened consciousness. This is the power infinite torus of the pharaoh/hermes AJV of the community with his wife. the ability to channel the energy of the community into his car to drive the individuals while he shares his energy through the inverse meRkaba circuits. sending his positive energy outward to uplift each individual. Now this may seem crazy, but this is shared between all the spiritual beings of a community. As one feels other in their car, on the other end other spiritually lifted beings, will feel the same on their end. As if people are lIft driving them around town while they communicate. This is where the inverse merkaba circuits and tesla touch comes in. By sharing postive energy it fuels the whole community elevating each being to their desired state. You can tell the feeling when you begin to feel a humming “HIGH” sensation in the kings chamber or pineal of the brain. It may feel scary and unwelcoming at times while individuals go about their day, but this is where the tesla touch and passing of energy comes in. The foundation of communities essence breathing together as a whole. working together in silence keeping each other upright. the point is to be social, communicate, educate and teach one another. This is the true sense of using the building blocks within R today to build a brighter future of tomorrow. By bringing individuals in, elevating them, teaching them these ways, they can then begin to go out advocate, educate, and inspire the world to follow the same path to kingdom consciousness as i Alexander Joseph Vadas have. What’s the point of having so much universal energy in one is to not share it with the community and keep them breathing with a warming sensation to the beauty crest? its just a waste then! I see it as a record player when we speak of the binaural sound. as the conscious speaks and interacts with the 3D reality, the subconscious is always spinning as well. Only until we realize this can we begin to use perpetual motion to speak to each others subconscious like telephones while we walk this plane of earth every day. It’s the dream state we all chase, but not as many as you think can harness and channel it. During my photo op of the Watchmen Series for the Understanding Universal/Wordly perception Crest. When i sat down with a homeless man for the photoshoots it truly sank in. I sat down with the young king on his branches while he began to speak to the fellow man in the community. i Realized my role as hermes and sharing my energy with the the people. We passed some conversational energy back and forth while i was shivering half to death thinking, “ how could these homeless people stay dry and warm at night...” and then it hit me, through the mercy crest and understanding passing energy to one another, i could resonate my energy into his beauty, his heart chakra and warm him up like a furnace, just how the communities keep each other warm. this is the symbolism of the cardinals around the crests. it only takes one cardinal to show up to have the rest meet and share their warmth. When we begin to spread this knowledge, the community comes together sending energy towards the individual with less power drawn from each beauty. I wish i recordered R conversation, but even when the kid looked at me and said, “I feel like everyone has a role in society...even the homeless. Their perceived homeless to society...but what is it that they provide. what is the role...” In my head when he looked me in the eyes i knew thats the one. that’s the kid with power to change the face of what we know to be reality and connect and bring the people together as a whole on another plain of elevation. This is the job of the homeless kid...we help build and bring people together through these means. It’s almost like a check on individuals characteristics and build. as you came to me, dont forget, you brought cardinals with you you thought needed to sit down and share their energy with me. To learn a true sense of community and heart that breathes with the city. They think they can run around and shoot people down, keep them negative because their parents give them money or they have a ton of drug money may be given money by your parents, but you have always paid for everything yourself till recent. this is entering the new state of elevation and life. learning to let people pay for you and help get things done. Most kids your age don’t build consciousness or businesses with the money they’re given. the spirituality to build a foundation for the fellow people of all ages of the community. that. that is te true money that scales out our society. Although not everyone lives by these means, its the truest essence of the universe that runs the world. This is the power kid. This is the infinite/ inverse torus. the Karma weighed out on the scales for you for coming to me and sharing your warmth through the nights. being a pillar of smoke by day, and a pillar of fire by night. this is how they change. you may not think it, but you would be surprised how much the story has changed people. just because instagram doesn't show you the statistics or give you a lot of likes, doesn't mean the people can’t feel you posting. I see life as social media, the bigger the heart, the more put into the work, the further the emotion squares out through the grid, gaining you respect in another way...the real way. through life. not some little electronic tablet that calculates every single waking second of the usage, liked photos, videos... its just a super computer we’re all apart of. the game is to not be the statistic. the game is to keep creating because like said earlier, the people...the people can feel it whether you like to believe it or not. I don’t know if you know it or not kid, but as we were speaking, just as you had cardinals on your branch, i had the cardinals and brother’s of the city on my branch watching how you interacted with me. We’re the builders as well, we always have your back. You have the ability to choose who you want to funnel through the people around you...this is why you are protected no matter where you go, the individuals going about their day are always from the nike family, or the artists/ musicians you dear most like Q-Tip. Dude was sitting right behind me while you spoke to me as bustah. I say to you kid this is the truth keep going... you brought some other folk with you as well i've never seen, you turned on the golden aura hologram projection for me through your crazy oval projection you wouldn't stop talking about... i could see a few younger ladies that said they were singers and some other people they said were part of the business helping.  

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