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VICTO[R]Y // R.13

VICTO[R]Y // R.13

It all started with an R..a secret language derived from geometry. I drew this crest 4 years ago when I first got into crafting sacred geometry. Little did I know what I was getting myself began to speak to me. Shining all different angles of light with every new line. Stories of past lives and experience set in different decades and ages. My internal world began to merge with the external. Synostesia Experiences became daily the more I drew. a system where your mind flashes colors and images depending on different frequencies and ranges of sonics that the music your listening to is putting out allowing me to freestyle paint. I truly believe synostesia has a correlation to sacred geometry and possibly finding new perspectives of reality. The things I was seeing before were becoming realities days Later and things would always just fall into place. When I went to make this the person That was helping embroider and order garment had some things happened so I was on my own out of the blue. All the things I was getting done were stopped and since then everywhere I go i can't seem to find help with sewing the rest of the gold line. At the same time it seemed I got noticed and everything I was building people took and ran with. Being one man i truly believe in a higher power with all the power he's given me to somehow manifest this while I get devoured by everyone around me at the same time being dead broke. To resolve the issue I went to lids in the mall. With all the self learning of R that was happening I couldn't believe the map had lids as R...where I was told of a software to digitize files for myself and create my own hat designs. To top it off the medicine I was prescribed for a short time was inscribed with R13 while this was all going down. TLastly, 13 is my number. The Theormyd is 13...1 + 3. A regressed view on the present to perceive a progression. The crest of clairevoyance. This must be a sign from God that the Gold Line is truly my own self creation and couldn't be more pumped to keep building upon it! It's really opened up my mind to what the human experience is and what our relation to the other side can be. This Is victory


iii Chose 13 because 13 has always attracted to me. i started designing at 13, i live off route 13, my family sees 13, there's specifically 13 Theory One Crests in the Sacred Tree Of Knowledge for various Reasons. AJV is my initials. I originally wanted to use V.13 for the Victory Crest, but....Suprises are always around the corner. 

The Tree can not be Reflected and Turned into a repeating pattern from 11, unless 2 more are created manifesting 13 Gates to give balance above and below the tree.


One Love,
Theory One T.H.R.Y.
Dream. Create. Inspire.


A Soulo Prodo by the AJV. All Shots taken on a tripod and 10 second timer. All Special Effects Done by stitiching Frame by Frame GIFs.

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