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T.H.R.Y. DREAM. CREATE. INSPIRE. SHARINGAN GALLERY INSTALLMENT 3 - SHARINGAN - EYES OF REMOTE VIEWING "BREATHING GHOSTS x THEORY ONE" For the third installment of the sharingan gallery, i the BREATHING GHOST.. or should i say ghosts! come through this painting. The concept behind this painting was that of the Remote Viewing and telepathic system within the tree of knowledge we have created and showcased the ability of through the T.H.R.Y. Sacred tree of knowledge. When viewing the story take it as a grain of salt for telepathy is very hard to prove to the world. it’s a feeling of a high frequency high vibration of a buzz in the brain which allows one another to know we are in accordance to one another communicating as he channels me using his wisdom through the artificial kingdom from the natural as i lay my head to rest. when viewing the story you will see are planning and coordinaton of these “GET UPS” or as i like to say showcases of R talent as synchronized swimmers spinning in unison as a type of art form. As you see the soccer ball whenever i make an apperance via this painting, i always think of it as a soccer team of sorts when speaking of the tesla touch through the thuroughfares of reality. As swimmers spin in sync, as does a soccer team. It takes heavy communication, focus, and trust within one another to pass the soccer ball around not only in the physical plane, but the higher conscious metaphysical plane. Where we send each other AV [audio visual] frequencies as of a TV as the soccer ball.  its a form of relation based off of emotion and cognative thought. a way to woo eachother and entertain one another as we work on R own projects. Imagine a giant television like in the movies outside the perception of the eyes. Usually above also known as the Kings Chamber of the brain. This is were shared imagination of time and space becomes apparent. As i sit across from Alex [Theory Om] in his head, i myself see him in my kings chamber as well. From this point we imagine the soccer ball. Everytime you see Theory Om in the Hermes and AJV cardinals outfit from the first perspective. Its known as a form of telepathy known as remote viewing. for most they can not visualize what the user is actually doing, but when you have a strong brdige of trust to one another it allows for one another to view what they are working on in the corner of their brain and build in unison. This is how i know i am typing to him to explain this to the viewers, because when we dream. its beautiful to dream of infinite planes, but when we bring it back and think of the world we live and the connectivity weve expressed, we dream reality. the time and space of this dimension that humans can percieve 3 dimensionally. I usually invision a telephone in my head as the eyes are closed. As if my spirit is typing using a 5D phone outside of the reality we know and our spirits astral project through the night skies. Imagine this phone in your head with all the contacts you talk to. now on that phone imagine typing to them as a message. within the sacred tree it is a form of visualization or system of thought if you will to spiritually communicate via the beauty crest. When this form of telepathic spritual elevation and imagination has been grasped, imagine no phone, but across the blank infinite words typing of what the love connection via the still motion/emotion squared outward. is saying to one another. Blank ifninite is usually used for just speaking but when sharing space and plaing soccer with one another, its a white oblivion plane of pureness. Not accessable by many, but to those with a pure heart may open this gate. This is the ultimate form of companionship and trust. To have gained it with a younger individual i never meet in person, but when spoken to via email...i never meet someone so similar to my characterstics and train of thought from playing soccer and being an even being left handed! Even the paths we took to kingdom consciousness. I too was once low on the chain..or circuit rather...but by starting off as a post master, you begin to gain these other powers used to heal. And for him to have this ability to heal people at the age of 26 is outstanding! This is why it has been hard for alex to imagine what people of his city are doing, because he doesnt follow them around nor have a strong bond to a lot of them, but for his business, being an artist, he has a lot of natural kingdom followers along with being connected to a lot of higher ups in the teirs of society which understand this. This is why his art is of severity to express and maintain as an everyday routine as it use to be! Not only that, but progress Alex into the next teirs of life “KINGDOM CONSCIOUSNESS” that he already walked upon and made it to us, but to express and gain respect from the higher ups of his city with the ability to have us pass the soccer ball and touchdown to his space on the geographical map of earth. This is a different type of repore that you hear of. As you grow in the art and business world, those that are aware as well, love to see who is behind you as a supporter, mentor, guide, and master brother of the arts of a long time! He has proven almost every day his ability to match my frequency and shine his light into my studio to communicate. It’s outstanding the system he has built, and its functionability to easily teach all ages that even his little nephew had made it to summit with me, tickling my team and i’s beauty over here and showcasing his ability to tesla touch with the TEAM from the natural kingdom through the artifical kingdom! 

​ R Love Theory Om T.H.R.Y. - Dream. Create. Inspire.

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