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it all starts with a concept. a dream. We start by drawing in the natural kingdom usually. creating the basic lines of the final design. It corrolates to the dream we hold for R selfs. The lines of the architecture and support.

Once Imported to Illustrator we begin to Trace said design/drawing. Once the step is done we move onto custom brushes. Getting varying line width like a spray can or brush.

When The Outlines are finished in the Artificial Kingdom, we move to the fun part! The fills/coloring of the design if any. The important factor of this is the perpetual motion or better known as the FOUNDATION CREST via KNOWLEDGE from the natural beating beauty of the heart to the artificial technological heart of the world. The DIGITAL PORTAL of infinite creation based off the collective consciousness of the entire world. Transffering the beauty of self like tesla. from conceptual energy into mechanical. visual. viewable in the mapping of the worlds. It becomes a piece of the viewers collective consciousness from the creator. a magnetized creation of being and complete self. like the water of the ocean we stand across.  Each and every molecule of water representative of a human mind. When this happens, it allows for the power of influence to occur. Whats been created here at T.H.R.Y.Dream.Create.Inspire. is a graphic design of the world we live via the sacred tree of knowledge. the ability to transcode and encrypt definition of each symbol to the viewers. the universe written out in 3 steps. Dream. Create. Inspire. This is the inspire! from creating we decide what gets said and done from R stance in life as the power crest of infinite torus activates and judges karmatic experiences of each individuals life along with choosing the path the viewer takes while reading. what images are painted, displayed during reading this? It comes from the SOUL ENCRYPTION and if you've been truly listening reading with your heart. your beauty. you have successfully heard the subliminalized audio visual foundation from this. God always watches, so from a creators standpoint. it is severity to choose. meditate. see for the viewer as the ALL SEEING EYE. the secret of branding and the power of influence. This is why the crests in the books have no definition. because what the viewer consumes in the first 33 seconds while reading the journey is what they are told they are being sold and usually go along with it. Look at the streets, bus stops, the mall, TV. all the data, audio and visuals they make you consume each day. it becomes subconscious regardless. a place of space and time filled by advertisement. This is why us graffiti artists do what we do. Not about the free advertisement, but the message we have to send about these ways. the POWER HOURS of the outlines are symbolic to theory om of what is being said. displaying the sacred tree of knowledge. so we ask...what does T.H.R.Y. mean to you?

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