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You may be wondering why i posted this, but timing is impeccably bittersweet in my life. They day before Bones passed away i wrote GAUTO GO after finishing a piece. Relating to the times i was trapped in conspiracy theories and a self timer to start moving faster. The Grand Architect Of the Universe is a perspective of god that uses pure mathematics to create the world around us. Everything. Media, food, furniture, spray paint, to the clothes you wear, and even the color of your car. It all moves in a certain way and by understanding that the human mind can begin to add on. I think its incredible how the one photo i had, there ended up being one shortly after almost as if it was subconsciously connected. Like [G] snapped a photo as i walked away. When the t shirt design was created i was still in the midst of building the story for the [G]old Line. It just so happens the picture above used for the outline of the design,[Bones staring outward picture] ended up looking like the alchemist expressing what i see as, "trapped in the beast, belly of creation." along with the placement of the design and what it portrayed. Most days i don't think the things i see are meant to be shown, but at the same time could potentially change things hence the faceless alchemist. "You can see what it does, but not how it works." a lot of artist struggle with the ability to convey what they feel to the absolute extent because of how society is molded. We spend a lot of time in our minds like they could be cells where the doors are always open, but something makes you not want to move. These circles are meant to shine light on the weight numbers hold in the world. Below is the conversation i had with Matthew "bones" Thone on April 29,th 2014

"Yo bones is just freestyling over there! You should check that out" ".." do you do that...?" "ha...I don't know kid Its more of it just happens kind of thing.." a confused look back as if he actually knew how to "...really man? I can't believe you're just able to do that without drawing. Like theirs no instructions or anything?..." he just looked back with the stare of a souldier who just got back from war for a couple seconds and continued to paint. I swear he could see into me and everything I was aspiring to do. Everything I was feeling and thinking. My capabilities, potential, and where I was spiritually. Hence no instructions given. Almost like we were the same person at different points in a timeline. Until this day I could never grasp it. "What is this ability he has?" ...Empathy and Pain. That's it. Nonthingness. Standing between sending a message and receiving it. Understanding emotion and enlightening pain. Being an instrument for god to project his message and capabilities a human has. RIP BONES. You were everything and more the world could offer. I'm sorry for the weight you held on your shoulders. Until the other side. Will always aspire to reach that level of freedom. 

Meant to do this back in the day . Just always felt like I shouldn't do one for some reason..

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