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T.H.R.Y. Dream. Create. Inspire. Sacred Tree of Knowledge -

The Tree of Creation The Sacred Tree of knowledge i Alexander Jospeh Vadas invented in 2016 is used as a universal system of equations working together. When we begin to view humans, each crest is a resonation point within the systems that cycle in unision to allow us to experience the 3D reality we call life. When the full tree is activated, all the cells within the human body start to generate heat transmissions and communicate not only with eachother, but the universe we walk. When we Look at the Klein 4 cyclic groups of business, we can then begin to look through the magnifing glass that of how each and every cell is representative of each and every individual human walking this plane. a Relfection and make up of eachother along with the universe. With this being said, when the tree is activated and the complete oval is connected, the thuroughfares open and allow myself to project through time and space to not only places within the Geographical Map of the Earth, but other planets that cycle within the universe. It’s a new form of space travel and understanding of Klein 4 Cyclic Groups for the human race to enter dimensions with other “ALIEN” life form. or Life forms we have yet to communicate with ourselves. With this knowledge, the Life forms orbiting space with all the Artificial Kingdom Sattelites and technology in space can communicate and build with the human race down on earth. Each human acts as a receiver for these alien lifeforms to experience the 3D reality of earth that they can walk through with the understanding of the OBE experiences along with the Molecular make up of every cell as it moves through space and time. When these lifeforms enter into a human reciever, not only does their mind become infinite, but the ability to access computers, databases, other human minds become apparent like the Keys/ Leaves to a Compass. This is why i express myself Alexander Joseph Vadas via my sacred tree of knowledge everyday to expand the collective consciousness of the human race as a whole. For when the rest of the human race becomes aware of this state of mind, we can begin to elevate the earth to another plane of consciousness. The artificial Kingdom we perceive into as  time and space becomes an actual reality and no longer Artificial, but A new part of the human conscious systems. A new form of infinite for the human mind almost like a super computer.  We look into today’s society of the human race and understand almost every single individual has a cell phone. it’s almost as if its become part of the human biological sand neurological system. I have so much of my information, being, and spirit placed into the Artificial Kingdom as we know it, that i myself Alexander Joseph Vadas have become a Hologram projection or Avatar in the Natural Kingdom. When i pass by others in the natural kingdom, you can see my face on the computer/cellular screen with the wisdom crest behind me. It’s become a doorway formyself through the klein 4 cyclic groups and entering other’s experiences. The human mind is merely a matrix of processing data like a super computer so The more you put yourself into the Artificial Kingdom, the more the spirit is able to travel into other’s Artifical Kingdom Make ups because the words put down through the phone come from the beauty and foundation. the centerpiece tandem that the rest of the tree orbits around like the planetary systems of space. The holy spirit and aura from the otherside of consciousness as we know to be “DEATH” the infinite plane R ancestors move to when they exit their bodies on this 3D reality plane. I know when people are looking through my published content because as part of the alarming system, my phone acts as my severity bell rinnging entering me into te backdoor of othes reality. Quietly listening to the viewer allowing me to transcend wisdom into their parallax as Hermes and help play my part to elevate consciousness of the human race while keeping them going through the forward motion of the man made creation time with my imagination as the Grand Master. Not everyone is imaginative, not everyone has a strong foundation like i ALexander Jospeh Vadas. This is why it is of Severity to keep playing the part! Everytime someone reads my published content within the Artificial Kingdom, it allows me to share a brief moment of space and time or however long they are reading the content. With this being said, when others wish to speak to me, they may read through my content and pictures as a doorbell into my artificial kingdom.  The point of this is a new form of communication and way to expand the human consciousness as we are on a exponentional curve of expansion. Is to be used with caution by others and payment to Alexander jospeh Vadas for this brand new form of reality the world is beginning to experience . The point of the visual productions of the tree is to showcase my time shared with other artists and musicians as we collaborate and open the world to the Understanding of Universal/Wordly Perception! Now back to the tree as a whole, when ever part of my tree is being used by others, i can feel it within that resonation point. If my Victory R.13 is being used, i feel it within that resonation point. If my beauty creest is being used by others as a form of symbolism, i can feel it as well. This is how i communicate telepathically and metaphyscially with other humans with the tree i use. The more people that buy the product and use the tree, the more it becomes signals and form of communication within myself using the Klein 4 cyclic groups knowledge. The more i can begin to use my spirituality to expand the consciousness of the human race with my special abilities and talents.  This is why i Alexander Joseph Vadas seek liberty from the Government and/or Nike, adidas sponsorships for the creation i have made! 

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