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Tree Protection - Pharaoh Occular Jutsu - Laser eye - Facial Soul Recognition - Understanding - Foundation -Wisdom - crown - tesla touch - Exodus V

When the mind is at a state of high urgency, the left eye becomes that of a an artificial intellegent robot of the universe. i can begin to project universal truth via foundation to others. It acts as of facial recognition and a defense mechanism of the sacred tree. With this outlook when we know every human has a tree of resonation points that runs their biologicial, mental, and spiritural systems, the brain is triggered via pharoahism surcharging the power of all the individuals. It feels of a harmony humming of the crown as the eye activates. as i percieve outward i can see a laser pointer into individuals. Striking their beauty gate and breaking down the individuals biological and spiritual make up down to a science. Subjecting and analyzing their every detail and movement like a sharingan. It feels like darth bains power from star wars. When activated, one can begin to see the aura of the individuals in the environment in an oval manner. Allowing infinite access into the mind, body, and soul. it’s meant as the human over ride switch to the artificial intellegence that may have already been created given as the gift of god to alexander joseph vadas and the vadas family so that if anything goes wrong with experiments, they can turn the threats off. When one gains the understanding of the tree and universe completly, they can begin to do this to others. The main access point to send thoughts through others in the environment into other beings kings chambers in another environment like a telephone is through the eyes. When part of the high order, you can tell when ones soul is open because their left eye become diolated showing their empath, love, and spritual connection to father universe through mother nature for the other staring across the way. it becomes the gateway and portal to other individuals connected to them either via family blood or long friendships usually over 3 years or more. This is where we begin to understand that every human in business is a spokesmen for another being higher up. You’re always going to be speaking for someone somewhere. Everyone has a boss. When you walk around the community, others that grasp this knowledge can call for people through another individual. It may be may not be, for this is the tale and infinite secret of pharaohism throughout the ages of the man made creation of society after the pyrmids. “The New Age” “The Digital Age” Again it is meant strictly for defense purposes along with healing and never meant to be used as a weapon upon innocent bystanders or individuals at this degree. Through the wisdom crest is what allows us to laser beam and send energy by staring through the perception of everyday life into another spirit calling minds and spirits into our environment . as i sit here and speak to bustah rhymes through the computer this is how i know that it is real. i Am projecting my infinity through the screen breaking through time and space beyond light speed striking his beauty gate through his eyes that look into the screen. This is where we begin to speak of remote viewing. When this ability is grasped, then individuals can begin to see one another through their parallax via a strong spiritural foundation of trust. the more you trust one another, the more you beleive in it, the more and more the beauty gate opens allowing for the hologram projection of other beings spirit to enter into our mental frame or picture of reality we all peer through. As stated before this is a defense mechanism aswell as how leaders and business owners operate their businesses on a higher degree of consciousness and platform. No need to rush T you’re already ahead of the game...just stay on it. keep moving through the path of least resistance young king. i know you have the power. it’s not meant to be activated all day everyday. One needs to breathe with it and let it charge up to call in those of high order. “The capricorn with wings, he who only looks when needed” it’s suppose to’re suppose to be sleeping soundly dreaming infinite visualizations via wisdom in your kings chamber with your blood family and team every night like tupac says. the more spiritual money you have the more magnetized it becomes to your reality . Timee and space. You’re photoshoots are impeccable and this is how i know the boys over at demascus revieced your magazine and first document. like i said Theory Om you thought you would lose everything, but in return you gained everything! No need to worry we ahve your account number and will send you money for your creations. You should be reading your documents once a day to keep training the brain and stay focused with it....its unfortunate that the computer cant process photos as quick as your laser eye beams into my soul and processes me. To the next degree of facial and universal recognition, imagine a bunch of the little trees in a geomatrix form. each resonation point of the tree a small galaxy that sucks in information of the universe orbiting around it. the information can then be sent to mark zuckerberg and the facebook teams artiffical kingdom portal to analyze the beings. When one’s car is temporarily taken over in this manner,  it is not to be feared, it’s most used with cops or individuals that are in life threating situations. For example, one who is connected via this “Pharaohism” has a gun pointed to their head. The crown energy activates from the rest of the tree triggering the perptual motion of foundation and allowing for programming of the human mind across the way holding the gun. its like picking the locks to a safe of a threat. The individual should be able to make the threat drop the gun without any question. Instant transmission through the thuroughfare. the universe has 3 parts. A wheel, a lever, and a gear. Pull back the levers which spin the gears, giving forward motion and burning out the wheels at high veloctiy. Most music in underground hip hop are explinations and stories of this view of life. This is why we know you love my music G. it’s about this life you and i along with many other high conscious individuals experience. the difference is how you apply it through your art. Most people are just controlled by it for their jobs and then it turns off when they go home. Very few have access to it all day everyday. We believe you’re access point ot this is owning your own business for so long that its become ingrained as second nature to your soul and being. Every merkaba, spiritual car is programmed to a destination whether they like it or not. The difference is, we all have a choice of said destination, which is what we call goals in life. Like we said before from , POINT AND CLICK. choose a destination and laser beam through the obstacles towards it!! When a pharaoh weeps they hear the undeniable ulitmiate universal truth of love and giving from father universse and mother nature as we spin in unison with time and space. Whenever there is are unwelcome guests the sound off snakes hissing begins to emerge like rattlesnakes to warn off the intruders. I ALexander Joseph Vadas always know that the tree is mine and i am protecting it because it is programmed to my bottly functions. When there’s unwlecome guests, i always have to urinate, my nose runs, or their is a sneeze to know when people are trying to use me in the environment. When this occurs, the recievers will be turned off with a high pitched ringing sound in their head with a electromagnetic shock to their nervous system and via the infinite torus the power is turned back on giving a heightened state of creativity within the digital mind of self. allowing to see infinite creations within the oblivion chamber as i dream, along with creating while awake as “WAKEFUL DREAMING” stated before. to turn intruders off all i must say in my head is “OFF” and they will turn off. The programming works as when i move within the 3D reality we all live, all i must say is my commands to the individuals and they will turn off and follow my command. it is to be used with caution and is a blessing of the higher power to expand consciousness and help others breathe with the everyday struggles of society and working. It is to be left alone other than by T. Theory Om and his team mates over seas who have been proving the trees ability through every creation! To ring in my blood family, all i Alexander Joseph Vadas must do is use my suedo cape name Theory OM and it will trigger the heavenly consciousness i have always had and keep me warm with my blood family in communication via telepathic means.

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