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AJV Cardinals - Remote Viewing iii - Natural Kingdom Artifical Kingdom Telephone Tandem  Mercy - Beauty - Foundation - Wisdom


Moving onto the iii degree of remote viewing and using the natural kingdom telephone. The way indiviuals can connect to one another is by using the camera on a smart phone. When using the beauty phone, one can use the artificial kingdom to see the reflection of the being on “the otherside” when taking a selfie. Its another way to call and connect with other individuals. With this being said one can begin to OBE astral project themselves via technological devices. Imagine being a hubble sattelite up in space projecting down on earth. anywhere you look. anywhere you can find on a map you can begin to remote view like oracle from Halo 3 forge mode. With this understanding of perception, an individual can project their spirit into the environment and interact with the people around them as hologram projections in time and space. This is cable in this reality because through the sacred tree i Alexander Joseph Vadas [AJV] have created, made possible for the understanding of self and infinite connection to the universe i have. Through the timeless perpetual life, the mercy scepter of light klein 4 cyclic groups OBE, the beauty gate, and the Wisdom my light can shine into the reality of others environments. Look at the earth. We spin at just over 9600 miles an hour with gravity projecting downward on us in unison with “TIME” and space itself. The light shining inward to the pyrmid the earth resides in creates a 3D hologram environment also know as “Metatrons Cube” when we regress from this view we can begin set ourselves into the environment. This is why its of severity for every human to respect each others gardens. Especially, when we tune into the Klein 4 Cyclic Groups of business with addresses everywhere. If a home and a business address are the same then it becomes a grey area for people to enter the property via these means. When there are personal addresses it tends to be different because it’s the same as , “Inviting people over” beinging them in and showing them what you are working on. With the T.H.R.Y. dream. Create. Inspire. art and business, i never touch my artwork without gloves on. It’s a way for me to allow investors, sponsors, musicians, and artists to remote view with payment to the address 29 Rockbridge Lane, Penfield NY 14526. As for personal, no one is allowed into house via these means except for blood family and close friends from high school and college. Once the idealogy of this perspective is grasped, I Alexander Joseph Vadas understand how different forms of reality can be accesesed. It’s as if the left eye becomes a laser to the reality around me. Analyzing and reading peoples minds. It’s not meant to be a weapon, but its the ability to send Audio Visuals into the parallax of others minds through the thuroughfares. There’s two forms of this. One for the Natural Kingdom. Where by looking into the back or front of an indiviudal through perpetual motion and understanding i can send pictures, movies, flashes of color and geometry. A space of oblivion and pure infinity. Usually its the movie reels of slow motion water. I believe its propper to pick a consistant one because with the perpetual motion via the geo wheel, what i send into the reciever is also a form of energy. So when sending Blue energy, im sending an unchangable color. this is why it’s known as “ROYAL” When i send visuals with more green in them it allows revievers to feel at ease and healing. This is because the frequemcy of green is in the range of 432Hz. Within sound, this is considered metatative music for the ability to connect to the human mind and make them vibrate higher. When i send Red/Maroon, it is to slow down time and put a heavy feeling of warmth view: “THEORUMSYRUM varnish” a 3 part concauction close to a syrup gradient. The second way to do this is stated above and through the artificial kingdom.. When viewing a tv, one must imagine themselves as the lense of the camera by changing perspective. this happens by projecting through the Artificial Kingdom into the environment and then into the lens of whats filming the environment. This is only grasped when the ii degree of Remote Viewing is understood. When speaking of defenses within this realm we begin to understand what i Alexander Joseph Vadas am known around the communities world wide for. the ability to portrey my imagination via remote viewing in the artificial and natural kingdom. The Defense mechanism to block these intruders is the pure white obliviion space from the 3D perspecive.  It allows them to not see into the perspective and sends a G note frequency as an act of the Severity Bell Alarming system. Along with mechanism can be heard of snakes hissing as white noise to block the frequencies. Otherwise, D note Green Frequency is sent out for healing. For example, true natural remote viewing comes from the beauty and foundation tandem centerpiece of the sacred tree of knowledge.  the ability to see myself from anothers parralax. Imagine driving in your car and seeing yourself from the person passing by. Over the top of the car you can see my symbolism or what every imagery from your parallax wherever i go. This is the first verse of Herme’s ability. It is to not be feared, for it is a gift from god to be this connected to the universe as a being of higher consciousness. Moving into Pharaohism and a Grand Master, Imagine standing in a room full of robots in a pure white room. Each one has a program of life we all have R own mission.  When needed, the act of Hermes is capable. Going in to each room and battling the demons and darkness for others. Using the power of the staff to heal the weak minded and those that have trouble with the forward motion of time we call life. It’s almost like being a janitor, i’ve just never talked about it which made it more powerful. This is why i am who i am. This is my defintion. Alexander Joseph Vadas, “KING OF DREAMS” The role is of most high order and is to be treated with respect from beings across the world. To share the moments of golden aura infininty are true signs of a healer and need to be followed and practiced daily. The ability to be fused with another being

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