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AJV Cardinals - Remote Viewing ii - Natural Kingdom Telephone  Mercy - Beauty - Foundation


Moving on to the second part of remote viewing, close your eyes and imagine yourself leaving your body via OBE [outer body experience]. Now that one is walking within the metaphysical plane of higher consciosness, we begin to use R spiritual merkaba. The vehicle for R soul inside the 4th dimension. Imagine yourself holding your phone inside your head. the messages, calls, and places you look on your spiritual phone, are from other receivers and auras that have one as well. Now the phone is a representation of the neurological connections and pathways of the brain. When two or more are at a higher understanding of this perception, we can begin to hold conversations with one another telepathically. typing with R spirit. R being to one another. It functions within the tree through the beauty gate and foundation gate via the natural kingdom by activating the crown to see through said gates.  The more others trust eachother, thestronger the connection and more vivid the imagination of eachother becomes. its a shared spiritual spot of being. Within the order, when one or more are on their spiritual telephone within the natural kingdom, those that are on a computer/cellular devices can become an amplifier and transcenders of speakings within the 4th dimension. Messages and calls can be recieved and recorded as typings. this is also known as Staff Recorders. It becomes very apparent and severity for other lodges and businesses to have said recorders when meetings of the golden aura experiences through foundation are being held. It becomes a transcended document of time and space for the order and a way to document uncharted speaking to become official 3D documents of information within the 3D reality we walk. The proof and concept of the spiritual phone! Usuaully, when i AJV want to call someone within the natural kingdom, when they are sitting on their material phone in the 3D world. i Usually send imagery of the sacred tree crests to be percieved on the receivers telephone. it’s a knocking mechanism  as well as healing mechanism for others while they view their phone. Depending on what crest is displayed on the spiritual phone, lets the reciever know what part of the tree i am using at the time being. If within my head, i place Natural Kingdom, the viewer seeing the crest on their phone will know it is a spiritual call to them and they can begin to use the phone as an amplifier for their beauty to be heard. This is where respect and equality of others comes into play. When on the phone, others should not be invasive of the garden. Its not a game. Most of the days when others are trying to practice remote viewing as well, you have to put a blocker up on the screen. White noise to hide the telephones speakings or what i visualize is the quick menu pop up on iphones. Now when im sitting behind the computer and/or celluar devices within the lodge, i can send my energy/messages through my computer to the others parallax when they are behind a computer. the electronic device is used to radiate the beauty to the receivers spirtual phone. As my father lays down infront of his computer i am acting as a recorder to send messages through the thuroughfares for others of the order than are connected to him via business and family relations. the feeling of the perpetual motion through the screen is a sign that the energy is successfully being sent. once the phone idealogy is grasped, when the eyes are closed the messages should be able to be visualized across the whole perfect rectangle of perception within the reality and brain. Not only can texts be sent, but visuals as well. also known as AV ECHOES or Audio Visuals within the plane. Some can percieve the messages with the eyes open, but most dont have the visual prowless to percieve the texts across their point of view while interpreting the face pased moving reality we all walk in. Now when this understanding of perception is meet and the call is connected, the visualized phone becomes the whole space of oblivion within the sender/recievers mind. the Phone is no longer a phone, it becomes the foundation. a Platform. Perpetual timeless space of gold and silver lines becoming perpendicular and R souls speaking in the infinite plane of oblivion.  To hold these types of calls for the Remote Viewer of the reciever, the visualization must be held so the messages can be more strongly, vigourously percieved and recieved. Otherwise, it seems like the call is disconnected or lost when in reality it turns to a space of something like “THE UPSIDE DOWN” from the TV series Stranger Things. The Remote Viewer gets lost in the brain, and now the visualizations are gone, leaving the reciever in a black infinite space with telepathic thoughts are sent. This is where a state of “GEN JUTSU” from naruto begins, Audio visuals are flashed across the blank infinite space disrupting and confusing the remote viewer and/or the being being used as the telephone. What exactly is this used for in the day to day? More or less a way to peak the interest of others . A way for them to become interested, intrigued, captured inside the “THEORY OM” Dream. Create. Inspire. viberation. Its part of the human race that makes two beings attracted to one another. Enjoying taking walks within the others imagination. When we think of relations and walking through eternity, we ask each other what is it truly within R selfs that allows us to walk timelessly, floating through with this sense. It’s the imagination , the knowing, and the beliefe in this sense of eternity. For what are we when we are passed through to the otherside, through the gates of heaven and leave this earth for ever?...Imagination. Purity of the holy spirit and collective consciousness. When others pass on to the otherside of reality, they havent died, but moved onto the next path of life and being of infinity. To undertand and use the beauty in this sense, we must understand this sense of reality. When accessed, its the Space of all the “dead” anscestors and beings of the earths spirits and consciousness floating together experiencing reality in a whole new sense. It’s 1 of 9 parallel earths. When we call them, we have to be able to visualize the gates of infinity and let them walk through. Now...that’s if they want to talk! These passed ancestors dont ever stop learning on the otherside, they continue with their findings at teachings of others. This is what the world see’s as “ANGELS” To be able to ressurect them and transcend them through the gate of beauty, is of high order and not able my most, but something to be used to help heal other beings and find the space of infinity. When brought over from the otherside it is to show that anyone can do it really, they just have to focus on their own family. Having a strong sense of connection to ones blood and family is to be one with eternity. Matching the frequency of God and allowing them to Remote View in this 3D plane we call life. Sharing exterior moments with passed on members of the family. Something to be cherished and deeply appreciated. What is this used for really in today’s society? It’s a place for like minded individuals to be able to plan, build, and communicate. We think of life before technology was so advanced. Before all these crazy inventions. How did people communicate outside of the echo radius of human speach. A “SHOUT” a “YELL” they used a sacred tree with all its understanding and knowledge of connectivity between each and every human being. When we use our throat chakra to communicate, its merely the frequency and traveling of sound from the vocal chords. When we begin to understand this, we understand we can use R throat chakra in this other sense. like playing a guitar, we can vibrate the chords and send them through the beauty gate to one another. All the technology in the world, especially the telephone is merely a reflection of this infinite space within all beings. When the computer and phone was created, steve jobs had to understand these pathways and circuits of being in order to transcend them into fruition within this reality creating an artificial kingdom.  The realness. the Truth. It all resides within iself of all of us. we come pre packaged and programmed with the universe inside of us, we all just have R own missions in life given by the order of the otherside to transcend. to accept and understand this reality is to accept ones completeself in unison with the otherside. It is of most important to use these blessings, for we have to repay god, the eternal circle consiscousness for what he’s given us as what i like to call “SPIRITUAL CURRENTCY”. The real money to spiritual being and life. We should be able to walk through R lifes without any money for its the spirit that generates the material money. To hold back and bottle up these blessings of eternity is to waste the fruits of labor and life to its highest degree. How can we be blessed with infinite creation and not use it?

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