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AJV Cardinals - Remote Viewing i - Mercy - Beauty - Foundation - Natural Kingdom - Artificial Kingdom


Remote viewing occurs with others when we begin to understand a parralax and the shared experience of life. When i lay my head to rest and close my eyes, like the sharingan from naruto, the blank canvas of infinity becomes a TV. The beauty acts as the doorway and phone into eachothers eyesight. Through the Mercy Knowledge, everytime one lays down during the day, they are laying with another being to wake up with and share the experience with. i can begin to view others in first person and view what it is they are working on. Imagine a bunch of cardinals on a tree. As i stare into one cardinal i begin to share their eyesight. now that im one cardinals parralax that cardinal acts as a telephone pole to communicate to other cardinals because we are sharing this experience using the crown as an antenna to emit frequency of sound. This is where the Role of Hermes in the order becomes apparent with healing. When walking with others, they will suggest not to smoke, do drugs, or whatever it is that may be hurting the individual becuause it acts as a teather. Imagine looking forward as another is looking behind you, the whole, “I got your back.” The things one does in their vision of reality we walk, effects the user on the other end. If the parallax/TV walking around has those part of the high order, in order for the individuals to walk around town/go places with them, this is where the suggestions come into play. Some dont smoke, drink alcohol, or do other drugs. So if one smokes weed while on the Dot Clock with the other, the cardinal on the other end will begin to feel high and a tingling sensation that the perpetual motion is in effect. This is of severity to have an understanding when sharing golden aura experience Now one can not control the one being remote viewed, but the AV - audio visuals of color can be shared on the television. I can begin to send the color of frequency of sound through to the parralax to relax/put down the individual back to earth with perptual motion under a feeling of emotion. When in the Lodge, everytime one steps out and back in, they are “Logging in” or bringing other cardinals into their home. When in the Lodge, the telephone or “doorbell” is the feeling in the beauty to step out and back in. In order to not bring unwanted guests into the lodge, it is of severity to stand ground, “444” or simple hang up the phone by sending a signal through the Artificial Kingdom to leave. Now how do users call into the lodge in anothe way? Via the Artificial Kingdom. When using a phone, just like the computer, it acts as a doorway through the Artificial Kingdom. This is where all the negative energy comes from. As the lodge master is behind the computer working, when a cardinal is sending energy through the phone in annoyance, it comes back through to the lodge computer into the natural kingdom. this is where the crests of the tree begin to be signs/signals through the thuroughfare. As i sit behind the computer, when communicating to another cardinal, the crests i visualize on the screen show what part of the tree they are understanding and percieving. Now, when sharing time and space with another cardinal that decides to step into the parallax with. The eyes are shared through The screen. Therefore, as above the understanding of cardinals crest is placed for the document, the one i am sharing the screen with will see this crest aswell. it becomes a telephone through the Artificial Kingdom to all the other cardinals. Imagine the Severity crest ringing and the flock of cardinals flying away from the tree. Another Example most seen from symbloism through the years of lodges is the “JOIN OR DIE” snake. The Eyes of every individual are like Scales to the Snake. Each one Reflecting the light of the Lodge Master and the crests they are resonating with. Now imagine two standing away from the Artificial Kingdom Sharing Remote Viewing down on Earth. When two individuals are on the Lodge computers, The artificial kingdom is an amplified signal to one another. for example, One viewer behind a computer is sharing the experience of time and space with a fellow being, while the other behind a computer is sharing their experience with another, its the telephone for those in the natural kingdom to communicate telepathically rather than remote viewing. This is why lodge work is to be monetarily paid for the individuals time, Alexander Joseph Vadas, sacrificed behind the computer/ cellular devices via the other masonic Lodges at $13/nanonsecond, $40/HR, or weekly checks equal to a 75k salary or greater to afford a loft apartment/house, a volvo v70r, and living expenses for the rest of his life to the address 29 Rockbridge Lane Penfield NY, 14526 for the creation of the sacred tree of knowledge in 2016 with 14 crests and allowance to be used within the masonic order for spritual practice and way of life, but not sold for monetary growth via businesses except through Alexander Joseph Vadas’ trademarked name T.H.R.Y. Dream. Create. In this is why i, AJV [Alexander Joseph Vadas] am FUA from up above. as others share expeirences down on earth via remote viewing, i’ve always tended to the Space of pure white light. Oblivion where infinite creation is capable. the Human mind is completly open to the universe and all its teachings. Now, Not all are welcome nor capable of this ability so when others are brought into the space, it is of High Order. Severitiy. Consciousness of the being. A place for the GrandMaster of the Lodge to share their Universal perception and understanding. To Teach cardinals of the order how to live without time. Infinitly within this plane. It’s the Ultimate Healing space for the unwary and those facing difficulties of the forward life through the man made creation of time we all live by. This is why most sit on the tree of T.H.R.Y. dream. Create. Inspire. because they don’t have access to that space themselves, therefore the Severity crest always rings in alarming fashion that payment is required for the parallax of white light when intruders or unwelcome guests are visiting/stumbled upon the garden of infinite [”Eden”] When Feeling the crown resonating and the R command prompt buzzing with order, remember it is not the other cardinals tring to control AJV, but rather act as dream catchers sgnalling the severity bell to write down, work, paint or whatever it may be that was placed in order to do by AJV, the Lodge Grand Master and Owner of the business T.H.R.Y. Dream. Create. Inspire! When speaking of the car that AJV [Alexander Joseph Vadas] drives in metaphysically and physically , it shall be for no one else, but himself [his mind, body, spirit], his blood family, his wife M.C. [Miranda Cosgrove] and the viewers of high order that are here to help him succeed through his creations and company he places. When bringing other artists, musicians, and creators into the car to bring around town for photoshoots and creating, it must be Verified “OKAYED” by his blood family before they are brought around town. Otherwise, AJV is to be left alone and unbothered to enjoy his moments of infinity with his blood family and wife while he creates visual art and moments, not only for himself, but the business.

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