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The Dot Clock - Foundation - Wisdom


When Speaking of the Dot Clock we are speaking of a clock outside the system of time which runs off the man made structural time zones. If one is standing within the EST timezone. lets say NY, in order to be in communication and work with others one must think on the time zones in which the individuals reside. If i want to work with people in california, then i must think within their time zone. When it’s 9:36 PM in NY, it would be 6:36PM in Oregon/California, while in other time zones it would be 3:36PM. The whole point of the watchmen story is to express night and day during the man made creation of time and stepping through the dimensions of wisdom to anothers chamber expressing the crest of mercy. I love the time 3:33 AM /PM to take photos because when its dark at night in Rochester, the morning son is just rising in the eastern hemisphere. Showcasing Night and day. 2 cycles working together proving the system of the sacred tree of knowledge created by ALexander Joseph Vadas. As where when it’s 3:33 PM in Rochester and i post the watchmen story, its 12:36Pm in Oregon where the sun is shining as well, while the sky is of night on the eastern hemisphere. Another main reason i love 3:33 is that it’s a new day for most time zones. Especially 3 of them showcasing a triangle within sacred geometry and the 3 time zone cycles cycling in unison as we work together collaborating on projects. While one is asleep on the eastern hemisphere, the other parts of the tree can be expressed through AJV and validated via not only the order, but Nike as well. Allowing Alexander Joseph Vadas  to be payed as his Cape name Theory OM to the address of 29 Rockbridge Lane Penfield NY, 14526. The story is of unison about the Understanding Crest and its ability when grasped to the fullest. The story is entitled The Watchmen for the eyes are a window to the soul that perceive the infinite space where AV echoes can be shared between the two artists. The wisdom crest is expressed via AJV when he goes out to get photos with these artists and the wisdom is grasped and learned by the individuals watching the story between the two passing the soccer ball around the world! Expanding the consciousness of all ages on the magnificent beauties of the reality that all humans share not only with themselves, but from mother nature, the animals, all the way to the small crustaceans 3000 feet below sea Level. The dot clock along with the Sacred Oval Projection within the order is an AV echo to be used for individuals to understand when they are on anothers time zone shining their wisdom to one another and communicating. The Oval is most apparent in the others parallax when Theory OM is connected for it is his signal that the wisdom crest is resonating through foundation, time is being dismissed and the AV echoes are projecting through the circle. The R13 crest  is placed in the center of the clock to represent the hidden language as well as the dot clock being shared within times of heightened creativity. In the WWII era, morse code was used to send encrypted messages. As the individuals square consciousness connects to the  circle infinite within their time zone, the Foundation and perpetual motion via the GeoWheel activate. The ovals represent the emotions projecting through the Squared collective consciousness into the circle of the infinite United Time Zones and back into the receivers time zone as the clocks cycle showcasing the definition of the outer rings of of the Wisdom crest.

The Power of the dot clock. Once the understanding of the different time zones is grasped and the team is spinning in unision, the ability to channel one another from different time zones becomes apparent. the key is when we are working in sessions, documenting, or communicating, we have to be weary of the time. Usually, when it gets late around midnight - 3 AM, will switch out with my team mates on the East Coast such as Rza, Wutang, Bustah,  JAYZ,  and Q-tip, to teammates of the other time zones such as THRY and SUPER of the west coast, or forward to my team across the seas such as DOES, SOFLES, MF DOOM , or KIDULT. For when its late at night here and drawing power from one another via pharaohism to get work done, its early in the morning/afternoon over there. Thus being given a 2nd wind of energy like the Nine tails of Naruto with Shadow clones stored via sage jutsu. During his battles, especially towards the end of the series when Naruto becomes hokage, he has the ability to clone energy of himself as "BACK UP POWER" almost like batteries. This becomes of severity when using the DOT CLOCK as well for collaborating with the team. If i T. want to do a Tesla Touch with DOES or collaborate in general with the team over seas, it's best Early in the morning such as 4-5 AM so its 10-11 AM in their environment. Another good time is 336 AM/PM a well for when its this time on the East Coast, It is 1235 AM PST, 936 NETH, 836AM U.K. TIME. Significant for when Myself Does and Theory om aka T. meet with the Royalty of England via the thuroughfares. With these notions and speakings, the opportunity to speak of the dot clock and expand upon its definition became apparent. From all the tesla touches we did, it opened the door to what the capabilities of applying the different sacred tree of knowledge crests to the dot clock would do. The most apparent one being the POWER, UNDERSTNDING, WISDOM, and KNOWLEDGE crest. By mixing the power with knowledge, it allows for more energy to besupplied into the crest to get work done! The wisdom becomes significant while showcasing the REMOTE VIEWING document, or sharing time and space within eachothers studio, for when collaborating, this becomes the most powerful crest as we project to one another as holograms of energy or SHADOW CLONES like naruto. Dispersing R energy around the world opening up new types of collaboration.

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